Monday, June 18, 2012


hm i gotta count all my blogs for blog count... this is gunna take a while

Sunday, June 17, 2012


 i love it when i take a 2 hour nap during day so that i can sleep 2 hours later at night :D


camp was so tiring we went on this high ropes course and a zipline thing it was so high and scary and since I have bad eyes all I see is a bunch of brown and green when  I look down from the platform :(
i just drank some 8% alchol kiwi melon wine at parents frend's house.. i feel cool now

Friday, June 15, 2012


yaay school finally over had a great year
thanks for teaching uss Mr Olson!! u are a great teacher
im going to scouts camp for the next 3 days, and we're gonna learn like survivial skills and cooking skills and gonna go on a zipline for the firsttime :) i think that's what it's called ...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

upload all da pics!@!!

school years almost overrrrr must get taller during summer!! :D

by the way Mr. Olson, are the teachers going to be at school the next 2 weeks? i am currently uploading some my pictures for photography , but I have a few albums left and tomorrow I have to go to a 3 day scouts camp right after school ends :/ will you still be able to mark my photos after this weekend? sorry that i am late

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

shining was good

thanks mr olson for showing us the shining it was very good in my opinion , but very creepy :0 the ending was like intense when it faded black and then suddenly a frozen jack appears haha

studying for socials finals right now

Thursday, June 7, 2012


i drank like 4 juice boxes yesterday and liek  today oh god i gotta drink more milk or else wont grow

yaay im excited to continue watch the shining tmr!! thanks for letting us see the movie mr olson :D
I used to be so scared of horror movies last year and stuff but now i got braver COME AT ME JACK!!!