Sunday, May 29, 2011

aw qq summer skool

wow i showed my mom the photoshop and flash summer school thing and she's like no the date is bad, let's make u take some other english or socials crap k
i practiced our 25 second dance with fiz and kevz and chamz today at the langara caf
i finished my fourth scarf fauk yah

Sunday, May 22, 2011


torrenting a bunch of crap before harper's copyright protection acts get implemented super so that we cannot do anything online :(
i got camtasia, pinnacle studio 15 hd ultimate, photoshop cs5, and ESET smart security antivirus; last year my mom bought NORTON for 49 dollars =.=

Saturday, May 21, 2011


my parents are telling me to go sleep
and its ffriggin 10 : 27 pm
and saturday night

Thursday, May 19, 2011


yay long weekend and tommo parents both going to bellingham for some shoppin shet so i do fun crap

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today we went to the PNE
it was very fun
i went on the like
wooden coaster, enterprise, music express, hell's gate, water log thing, and corkscrew
fun fun fun fun
i wuz gonna go on the revelation with some frendz but they said it closed at 2 and it wuz like 1:35 :( so went on the water log another time and got really wet

Monday, May 9, 2011


YAYAY we're going to PNE TOMORROW !! :) getting there at 9:15 means I have to wake up at 7, eat dress till 7:30, bus to 49th station till 8, then take train till waterfront and then 135 bus to PNE :D WITH MAI FRENDSS!! :D

Sunday, May 8, 2011


10:00 am wake up
10-10:40  get up, dress, eat
10:40- 11:30 study french
11:30- 12:30 surf random websites
12:30- 1:40 clean room, clean binders -__-
1:40- 2:10 eat
2:10- 2:30 walk to church
2:30- 4:30 church
4:30- 4:50 walk back from church
5- 5:30 eat
5:30- 6:20 help out in garden

Saturday, May 7, 2011


grr my router is so annoying it keeps on screwing up every day or two so i have to walk upstairs and turn it off then on again =.= I was streaming 720p on youtube while knitting, but now its fluctuating and I only just have enough for 480p crap lol
whatever technology is pretty cool, when u think about how routers can send 0101000111010010100101 to your computer and u get like 25 frames of pictures every second, with sound too