Wednesday, November 30, 2011


oww my arm is sore nao cuz of tetanus shot... lol but good thing it was really quick :)
sighh only one A this term... must behave better next term......

Sunday, November 20, 2011


umm i just finished all my homework and stuff now playing some counter strike source baaaby yeah teamwork

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today was an iffy day. The good thing is, I got "most hardworking player of the game" at our hockey player, and I am now assistant captain of my hockey team. The bad thing is, Some girl on the other team knocked me headfirst into the boards, on the first shift. owww :( And that basically put me into a slight stupor for the rest of the game. I feel alright now. But yeah. I'm pretty shaken, and I'm pretty lazy to write anything more. OH WAIT. I MUST SAY A FEW MORE THINGS. COLDPLAY WAS ON SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE TODAY. WOOT.


Friday, November 11, 2011

CYNTHIA #2 !!!

Today was an interesting 11/11/11. This morning was mostly hockey, from 8:30-1. We had a moment of silence right outside the changing room at 11. And then we continued doing hockey. It wasn't exactly a hard practice, but we have a game tomorrow. After practice, my friend Liana and I waited until 12:51 to wish about The Strokes. We screamed once it had turned 12:51. And then we stayed in silence for about a minute to wish on The Strokes. We'll know if our wishes come true. I hope they do. (nick valensi 9evur)


Thursday, November 10, 2011


HI THIS IS CYNTHIA, I HAVE INVADED ANDY'S BLOG MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. today was okay. i didn't check my english mark. science was cool, we had a sub. PE wasn't so bad. the remembrance day assembly was cool, inspiring. i donated some change to the veterans. i did math, which sucked. AND THEN I FANGIRLED ABOUT THE STROKES WITH MY INTERNET FRIENDS.

wow. i'm cool.


thank you to all the men and women serving for our country and other countries in war, thx for risking your life during the wars throughout history, and keep firing those m4's on taliban insurgents

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

nothing much happnd today oh ya collab so got to sleep in a bit longer in the morning *wink wink* computer
must do science homework now

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


oops i forgot before to do the Homeless thing, so last night, i slept on the ground with my blanket and now my butt hurts :( lOL
I nao know only a little bit of what it feels like to be a homeless person 0.0
I am glad we dont actually have to do the other days where u sleep on the balcony lolol

Monday, November 7, 2011

no homework

yay theres like no homework today... EXCEPT BLOG!!! lol just kidding just kidding
i just uploaded a nooby league of legends video of me playing <3
i think that.errr.. i forgot wat i was gunna type

Sunday, November 6, 2011


i just studied for the Socials test for a looong looong time, it's so hard for me cuz it's like a bunch of stuff about Charles I and parliament and english civil war, and I'm rly bad at things that involve like governmental constitutional monarchy legislation economy!!!! i dont even know that it means lol.
i must get an A in at least english or socials!!!