Tuesday, February 28, 2012

normal day 2

arr had PE which we did orienteering which is like finding directions and stuff on a compass
and ping pong for the first part of the class yay
wow i was playing a game of league of legends and my dad came in and now im listening to the sad sounds of my team dying and chriss raging at me on skype UGHHH AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

langara today

i ran langara for PE today and got worse than last time , 14:44 :(

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


wooo just did very good in a league of legends game :) with christopher xi lol
hmm i should probabnly upload my photography stuff soon
i must brush my teeth nao goodbye

Thursday, February 16, 2012

new blog

yay tommo is pro-d day imma stay home and do hw sighh
crap and i have scouts camp this weekend from friday night to sunday noon :( so tiring arrr laksjdlfk sdfdsf

Sunday, February 12, 2012


haven't written blog in so long arrrr
so ya the dance thing at creekside community centre was cool
but my partner was weird he kept spitting on the ground and i told him to stop but he wouldn't -_-
Im so tired today just finished english project with kevin zhou and dhir
we made a movie trailer about the holocaust..or in our case it is called the "hollow-cost"
i will put a link to it for you mr olson plz watch it if you have time :)