Wednesday, September 28, 2011

playin lol

i just started a league of legends game with tony and josh <3

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


crap, i need to remember to blog every single day, keep forgetting :0
yaay tomorrow fun day 2 :D
i think we r doing veery good for our applied skills selling stuff project :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

fuun weekend

that was one fun weekend, played a lot of league of legends, i think i still suck but i got a lot better <3 in one game, i got 7 kills and 0 deaths :D
parents came back from US, now back to regular sleeping schedule :/

yo man tomorrow 6 laps for PE?? i gottta super massage and stretch my stomach and appendix area cuz it always hurts when i run

OH YAH, today i went to kady's house with my applied skillz group and sold a loot of cookies and fudge puddles that we made, they taste rly good too <3 i think we made 24 dollars profit!! :D imma send u the minute soon as possible, but fail cuz my mom is raging at me to go sleep... and friggin 9:55pm sigh

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I AM SCARED!! - b11

yoo my parents went out to US for 2 days to do some house investment stuff, so i have to stay myself for a night and i am happy because i DONT HAVE TO SLEEP AT 10, I CAN SLEEP AT 11:40 NAO COUGH COUGH!!
sighh i got ulttra soaked when i walked to school today... even with an umbrella! imma get a ride from some1 next time..
hahaha mr olson u shud watch this : ITS SO FUNNY LOL

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


yayay today we went to safeway to buy the materials and ingredients for da cookies
hmm what else shud i write about... o ya me and my group are doing this presentation for science, and we make a fake science fair, so we are doing "does your performance in a video game affect ur mood/performance for the rest of the day"
and we r gonna act some stuff out i think 0.0 Kevin z and I are gonna pwn chris so bad and he's gonna rage LOL

Monday, September 19, 2011


i am done revising my photo 10 website nao, gonna study for science test, omgg and the socials map :(( must work moar

Sunday, September 18, 2011

eating an apple

i am eating an apple right nao, typing with my right hand only
noo day 1 tommo math and french sighh
thank you to fi for doing most of the french thing for french, where i'm supposed to b an alien visiting earth and she shows me around the school lool
i have a headache must sleep early

Saturday, September 17, 2011


allallaal i forgot wat homework i have must use agenda in future lalaa

Friday, September 16, 2011

kewl new blogger

yaay i got like 6:47 for my 3 laps, a loot better than my 8:30 i think last year :p

omg school just started and there's already soo many things to do, like the socials somalia conflict thing, europe map, english group thing, and like the science teacher is already saying OOOHZ SCIENCE FAIR HYPOTHESES !!!! :(
guess i have to start thinking of a science fair topic...

oh and mr OLSOn, photography 10 is awesome!!! I used my time outside da classroom productively today :) and took a lot of pictures of faces!!! great way to let us have fun and learn at the same time :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011

boo friday

omg i dont like weekends im not trying to be mean to my parents or complaining but i honestly like school better than weekends cuz weekends i always wake up and go scouts and then write some chinese and then clean the floor and then clean washroom and then can't play comp until aLL hw is finished :( NOOOOO

but ya i understand my main goal is to LEEEAARNNN OKK i got tat mr olson

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


just finished french and math homework
well actually didn't rly FINISH math just gunna ask chris or something tomorrow lol too advanced for me

my 3 laps time for PE got a lot better, i got like 8:30 last year, but now 7:40 something i think :d

NOOO must draw map of europe in socialz.. i hate drawing small precise words in small precise spaces it's so ugghh ewww shudder omg

OH YEAH holy crap yesterday night at 11 i was on ipod in bed and i decided to go sleep so i moved my leg a LITTLE bit and i was like OHHH SHII** CRAMP OWWWW FU****** it hurt SOO MUCH felt like ultra got shot in the leg it was the worst pain i have experienced in my entire life, but good thing it lasted only like 6 seconds or so, and then leg sore for the rest of the night :(

and then i serched up why calves cramp and ppl say scientists not THAT sure, but think low potassium or low salt in ur body or something -..-

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


me and tony and leslie and judy chose Somalia for our socials project, it's gunna b fun cuz I watched Black Hawk Down, a movie based on the events that happened in Somalia during the Battle of Mogadishu, an important battle in somalia conflict history crap ya

aaahhh PE tommo morning again but then photography <3 oh crap am i supposed to fill in the form about our camera specs?

Monday, September 12, 2011

4- RIP 9/11 BREWZ

since i missed a blog imma add that

RIP to the 2977 innocent victims who died in the twin towers crash 10 years ago, condolences out to them and their families/friends, u will never be forgotten ;(

i feel guilty nao my mom caught me playing mw2 cuz i couldn't close it fast enough so both parents raged at me :0

btw mr olson do u play any computer games? just asking lolol

blog 3

yo so tired fell asleep for 2 min and my mom woke me up :(
todays assembly was sooo boring
nOOO math tmr i dont like math the teacher is meh and the stuff is too hard and my eyes cant see sh*t lol gotta move up some seats and sit with random pplz

Sunday, September 11, 2011

numba 2

ug i have to go back into the habit of bloggin everyday nao... must not forget :o
i think i like day 2's better cuz PE= no homework and photography= least that is what it looks like right now

lol i just flicked a mosquito on my screen i think i made it fly leftwards and go unconscious
umm mr olson does our parents have to like sign some form and email u for synergy 9 or photography or something? i forgot

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beginning of another year :d

Grade 9 a new year yaayy!!

Yeh so here is my timetable

1-1 Socials- martin
1-2 Applied- Olson
1-3 French- ziakos
1-4 Math- knott

2-1 PE- lopez
2-2 Photography- olson
2-3 English- Hauck
2-4 Science- Jay

I don't know my new teachers too well yet, but i hope they are all easy and nice :)
I really hope i don't get a C+ again in PE like i did last year in term 2 :/ and i heard mr lopez is a hard marker :0
My goal is to get at least 4 A's, and no C+'s at all on my report cards this school year and to use my agenda everyday so i'll know what homework i have lol