Wednesday, September 14, 2011


just finished french and math homework
well actually didn't rly FINISH math just gunna ask chris or something tomorrow lol too advanced for me

my 3 laps time for PE got a lot better, i got like 8:30 last year, but now 7:40 something i think :d

NOOO must draw map of europe in socialz.. i hate drawing small precise words in small precise spaces it's so ugghh ewww shudder omg

OH YEAH holy crap yesterday night at 11 i was on ipod in bed and i decided to go sleep so i moved my leg a LITTLE bit and i was like OHHH SHII** CRAMP OWWWW FU****** it hurt SOO MUCH felt like ultra got shot in the leg it was the worst pain i have experienced in my entire life, but good thing it lasted only like 6 seconds or so, and then leg sore for the rest of the night :(

and then i serched up why calves cramp and ppl say scientists not THAT sure, but think low potassium or low salt in ur body or something -..-

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