Saturday, March 31, 2012


watching hunger games in a few hours yaay...
haha so many people said "wtf rue is black?? ruined the movie!!"
dat racism

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012


wow i have a 1080p capable tv but our subscription is like 480p -.-


i wish my internet was faster


i wanna go watch teh hunger games but its like alll sold out and stuff ew i hate unsweeteneed soy milk tastes so bitter


uhhhh my stomach hurts rite now whyyy
aww yeah got 92 or 93% on math test that we just got bak today gonna improve to an A this term :D :D hopefully....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR OLSON!!! have a great one and party hard !!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


i was watching rambo but nooooo mom comes and lectures me about hao i have to do shtloads of math to get in ib next year ok cool cant even watch 1 single movie on a saturday afternoon during spring break cool cool

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012


spring break is soooo gg and boring.... T_T doing math all day everday= sad me
hope ur havin fun in mexico mr olson!! stay safe and eat lots of mexican food!! wait do you bring all your cats mr olson? or do u leave them home?
wow i charged my ipod for like 5 hours and it's been at 100% for a long time and now i unplug it and 92% right right apple sux at making battery indicators
well i gotta go now bye bye

Monday, March 12, 2012


welll after a long time of nervousness and excitement turns out i didnt get in Pre IB :( When i opened the letter and saw the "We regret...." all i thought and said was F***********************KKKK!!!!!!!!
Guess now is too late to regret all of the times I'm "doing homework" but am actually playing games ... i got so screwed over by my parents and i myself feel horrible as sh*t too
now im gonna have to spend one entire year with regulars and have like what, 2 classes that i might possbily have with my close synergy friends ?
and gg when school starts after break my parents gonna get interview with every single one of my teachers... im so so so screwed..... so many bad marks :'( SO SCREWED!! gonna have to wear body armor or something lol
i'm also rly sad that kevin and roy and tony didn't get in :( good luck to you all, wish we have classes together and wish we all re-apply and get in next year..
I always said to myself  oh my marks are bad whatever I still have like 2 months to pull it up for report cards.. but then i always procrastinate and not finish my little homework assignments, and now I see where thats taken me .
I'm sorry Mr. Olson...I know and admit that i'm probably one of the most not-so-bright-and-hardworking students in synergy 9... I wish i never talked too much in any of my classes or swore in class or laughed like crazy at some lame ass joke i made with my friend...
now its all too late... and i know theres a waitin list but screw it chances are i'm probably not even on it..

from now on i will do ALL my friggin homework and pay attention to math class as much as i can
my dad just gave me a crapload of math homework to do during spring break, and im probably gonna get even more during summer... but i cant blame them its my fault for yeah..

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Omg I really hope I get into Pre- IB i will work hard if i get in please please i promise.
NOOOO we're getting report cards for term2 ?? waht is thisss madnesss is this true mr olson? will the report cards have marks on them?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

term 3

is it officially term 3 now? time seems to pass by soo fast o.o cant believe almost end of grade 9

Friday, March 2, 2012


yesssss i uplaoded most of my photos for photography nao.. wooo


lol that school strike
it is 956 teachers please read the student bulletin ty

Thursday, March 1, 2012


rn im trying to finish uploading alll of my photos too photography but my upload speed is SOOO SLOW OMG