Monday, March 12, 2012


welll after a long time of nervousness and excitement turns out i didnt get in Pre IB :( When i opened the letter and saw the "We regret...." all i thought and said was F***********************KKKK!!!!!!!!
Guess now is too late to regret all of the times I'm "doing homework" but am actually playing games ... i got so screwed over by my parents and i myself feel horrible as sh*t too
now im gonna have to spend one entire year with regulars and have like what, 2 classes that i might possbily have with my close synergy friends ?
and gg when school starts after break my parents gonna get interview with every single one of my teachers... im so so so screwed..... so many bad marks :'( SO SCREWED!! gonna have to wear body armor or something lol
i'm also rly sad that kevin and roy and tony didn't get in :( good luck to you all, wish we have classes together and wish we all re-apply and get in next year..
I always said to myself  oh my marks are bad whatever I still have like 2 months to pull it up for report cards.. but then i always procrastinate and not finish my little homework assignments, and now I see where thats taken me .
I'm sorry Mr. Olson...I know and admit that i'm probably one of the most not-so-bright-and-hardworking students in synergy 9... I wish i never talked too much in any of my classes or swore in class or laughed like crazy at some lame ass joke i made with my friend...
now its all too late... and i know theres a waitin list but screw it chances are i'm probably not even on it..

from now on i will do ALL my friggin homework and pay attention to math class as much as i can
my dad just gave me a crapload of math homework to do during spring break, and im probably gonna get even more during summer... but i cant blame them its my fault for yeah..

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