Thursday, October 21, 2010

b 38... i think

yeah so I left my science textbook at school... SOMEBODY SCAN THEM PAGES AND SEND EM TO ME   PLZPLZ THANKS :D

Today we did a lab in science, in which we took a small layer of of an onion, dyed it wit safranine, and put it under a microscope :P Then we draw how it looks like on paper.

In band, our teacher gave us a starting note, and we had to figure out the whole happy birthday song by ourselves through trial and error .
it was pretty easy
got it in like 2 minutes
and memorized it :D

I love handball, but I hate how they always want me to be goalie, cuz I suck shiat at goalie, plus ITS NO FUN AT ALL BEING GOALIE :(

idk why, but the right side of my back hurts sooo much. its the muscle on the left of my right shoulder b lade. now i get it when there's the commercials about back pain and hot and cold patches and stuff XD

cyall later

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