Friday, May 25, 2012


yooo kendrew this is for ur presentation

ya I think there is a huge possibility of other universes out there, since us humans are constantly learning newer things about the world, we are still very "naive" to everything that exists, and there is definitely much much more stuff to be discovered. However, I don't think theres another me that made different decisions in another universe, that would be reallly weird :0 theres a me that didn't eat an apple this afternoon and a me that did... o god thatd be scary lol

Saturday, May 19, 2012


bored doing nothing
doing science hw naming compounds and stuff

Friday, May 18, 2012


i got a haircut at a indian barber for 11 dollars today, it was kind of hard to understand what she was saying :0
omgg long weekend of doing math gg i think i like school better

mr olson u should listen to this, it is from a video game but it is seriosly very sad and deep music it sounds best with headphones or earphones on <3

Saturday, May 12, 2012

soo tired

i went with scouts group to go on this trail beside the grouse grind  called baden powell trail i think, its soo much harder than grouse grind cuz there's barely any stairs, it's all rocks and branches and uneven  crap aaalll over the place my ankles are so sore from all the uphill downhill for 4 hours .. we started at 11:30 and ended 4:30 with some breaks in between my legs are all sore now

Friday, May 11, 2012


sorry mr olson for being bad audience during presentations, i shouldn't have went over to look at the non-class related stuff on someones phone i apologize
and i'm gonna go on my adventure and do the stuff that i missed, and take photos, even if i dont get extra marks  im still gonna do it and hand it in, because I shud have done it last term haha

im so pissed ok so i was just like hey mom and dad can i get a pair of like plaid shorts since its summer and yeah i barely got any shorts... and they're just like flipping through my closet, finds a bunch of ugly old plastic dirty shorts given to me by their FRIENDS CHILDREN who wore them for like 2 years and says "look andy u got so many shorts why u gotta be so focused on clothing?? see this is why ur marks went down so much in school !! you are a student not a blah blah blah!"

ok so somehow me asking for just one pair of shorts cuz I barely have any, ends up in them raging at me about my marks .... and now I gotta put all the stuff my parents flipped outta my closet BACK into the closet...

oh and dont tell them i complained about this plz lol

Saturday, May 5, 2012

test and hw

Worst report card in my life.. gotta do good third term or im seriously screwed for life
There is a socials test next week on industrial revolutions positive and negative changes and stuff
and a math booklet on circle geometry is due monday :0
better not procrastinate gotta do them all

i hate it when im like so thirsty that I think im gonna drink the whole mug of milk i just poured but then i drink like half and i'm like... wow did i really think i could drink all this?? lol

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


science presentation tmr barely started lol gotta work on dat
we are pretending to meet einstein or something and kendrew will be einstein and its a 3 minute skit and we have to say wat he contributed to science or something


parents raging at me because i apparently suck at finding directions on google maps from my house to summer school omg...