Friday, May 11, 2012


sorry mr olson for being bad audience during presentations, i shouldn't have went over to look at the non-class related stuff on someones phone i apologize
and i'm gonna go on my adventure and do the stuff that i missed, and take photos, even if i dont get extra marks  im still gonna do it and hand it in, because I shud have done it last term haha

im so pissed ok so i was just like hey mom and dad can i get a pair of like plaid shorts since its summer and yeah i barely got any shorts... and they're just like flipping through my closet, finds a bunch of ugly old plastic dirty shorts given to me by their FRIENDS CHILDREN who wore them for like 2 years and says "look andy u got so many shorts why u gotta be so focused on clothing?? see this is why ur marks went down so much in school !! you are a student not a blah blah blah!"

ok so somehow me asking for just one pair of shorts cuz I barely have any, ends up in them raging at me about my marks .... and now I gotta put all the stuff my parents flipped outta my closet BACK into the closet...

oh and dont tell them i complained about this plz lol

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