Monday, January 31, 2011


I have french test tmrw T.T last minute studying right now I can't remember this carp
yay applied skills first thing tmrw tho

oh today we had some ppl go for gymnastics
ms ling was like "okay, Andy."
i was like oH CRAP
but she let us not go and go onwednesday
but gave the ppl who went today bonus marks o.O

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I got these skullcandy earphones today
cuz the iPod ones were like so hard and loose and stuff
theyre so noise cancellation
you're supposed to lift ur ear up with ur other hand and stick it in with the other hand so that ur ear canal "grabs" onto it. it's so soft and i can't hear ANYTHING outside....which is gud but very unsafe
liek seriously my dad was talking and i only saw his mouth move, no sound at all lol

ugh tmrw we're starting PE gymnastic routines... i'm not ready at all
hope the teacher feels nice

today was fun at church me and my friend deathmatched in battlefield bad company 2 thru Bluetooth on the ipod

oh mr olson did you get my invite to view my notes and bibliography?
can u tell me my presentation mark ?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I just came back from church
today we had like activity day
so all i did was play ipod with my friend

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

today for PE we did our forward rolls and I actually got full markz for all of them o.O
tomorrow english journals are due...last-minute writing them right now
in english I don't know anything about that Odysseus hades stuff... even tho i wuz born here in Canada, I don't think I ever watched those shows about gods and goddesses T.T now english is hard for me

I need new earphones ipod`s earphones are so sucky and fall out of my ears when walking.. gonna try to find those in-canal rubberized ones

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

no hw

We have no homework today :D
I did some of my socials hw on buddhism

OMG another block rotation next monday

my fav two subjects are now longest time
but again i like saving things for last so yah

I got this app for ipod from installous
that i can drag and drop WORD DOCS
and POWERPOINT DOCS straight into itunes which imports it into the app :D
i serched it on the app store it usually costs 16.99

i am nervous for my gymnastic routine thing
it's gunna be so awkward dancing in front of the class... i think its infront of class... is it?
plus im so unflexible

and i can't do a handstand at all but the assistant in our PE is so nice he gave me 10/10 for it

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

normal day

Wow I was just typing "normal day" when I realized yesterday afternooon/night my great grandma passed away: (
she was a great person
i think she was like 94 or 95 or 96
she was really funny and awesome and easy going

jokes jokes

I guess I won't complain about homework here cause all you'll say is stop fooling around
yeah i know it's true i admit it

normal day

Wow I was just typing "normal day" when I realized yesterday afternooon/night my great grandma passed away: (
she was a great person
i think she was like 94 or 95 or 96
she was really funny and awesome and easy going

jokes jokes

I guess I won't complain about homework here cause all you'll say is stop fooling around
yeah i know it's true i admit it

Monday, January 24, 2011

t2 b52

tmrw i have band in morning T_T
so I'm still not sure if we're supposed to lyk do our socials homework... oh watever scrw that

must try harder

my goal is 5 A's this term
last term was 3 A's: math, science, french

Sunday, January 23, 2011

done my hw

I actually finished all my hw early for once
i thot tmrw was day 2 but itz actually day 1 :(
that means
french  : (
english : I
math : /
APPLIED SKILLZ :D :D :D <3 <3 !!!!111!!!11!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I am at 123 posts :D

My blogger says "123" posts :D
I just came back from church, we had this huge dumpoling feast
I swear I ate like 20-30 dumplings
they were sooo dam yummy and i was soooo dam hungry
and the sauce was no ordinary vinegar+soysauce
it was like hot sauce+vinegar+onion+oil+ketchup sauce

Now time to get a gooood night's rest

cough cough play iPod in bed cough

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mom back from winnipeg

today my mom came back from winnipeg from a business trip. I heard it was like -20 Celsuis there o.O
I got my ipod and since my mom let it run out of battery it screwed up and now i restored it and rejailbroke it -.-

I need to read socials and do the questions
im glad my parents didn't go to the parent teacher conference :)
i managed to convince them they didn't need to go since i didn't get any c+'s


yah so today i did my brain project presentation as you should know

I think it was only like 10 minutes o.O
how did time go past so quickly

i gave everyone candy

what's my mark mr olson? XD

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Almost done brain project

I'm currently writing my very long speech for brain project, which I think I'm presenting tmrw o.O I haven't actually practiced presenting it orally yet, so i think imma be fail at that
no time to talk now must finish and perfect and polish :D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


today we watched another portion of the movie TROY starring brad pitt
I think I failed my book talk cuz i didn't know the theme of the book so ms Greskiw just kept talking and talking about how I'm so stupid and I can figure it out easily
I'm doing socials hw right now...breakdown of unity o.O

ARSGSHS band tmrw morning
idk why
i just hate band
Mr Olson don't u dar forward this to mr hurst or he's gonna beat me up -.-
band's so stressful and you have to pay 100 % attention and play the right notes and sharps and flats and articulation and volume GAWD it's so hard
i'm the worst of the trumpets
probably because i never bring my trumpet home to practice because i have to walk 30 minutes to and from school everyday :(

oh this is the second day that I haven't played my ipod touch cuz my mom took it away on a mon-fri business trip -.-
she says it's already down to 10 % battery

i'm doing bad in gymnastics
i got like 78/90 for the JUMPS AND LEAPS test
thats like 86.66666666 percent

gtg do homework bye doodz

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am nervous
what if everyone has a rly rly short presentation tmrw

must...finish....stop...procrastinating on blogger cough cough

i have to do my book talk for english tmrw
ill jest improv that

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wow my dad is mad at me cuz it's 9:30 and I'm still up "so late"
wow rly

i wish i could be like other kids and sleep at 12.. :(

my mom took away my ipod for her business trip and is givin it back on FRIDAY :(
i just jailbroke it
and i got x plane simulator on it
it's so realistic and fun
much harder to fly than google earth flight sim

still improving my brain proj

Saturday, January 15, 2011


wooot I used redsn0w and successfully jailbroke my ipod touch 4g 4.2.1
now i get like tons of free games that woulda costed 7 bucks or 10 bucks

i'm so pro
that i didn't read instructions and screwed up again and had to restore my ipod in the middle

time to do brain proj

Friday, January 14, 2011


I enjoyed everyone''s presentations today... they're all definitely gonna be better than mine -.- i liek kevin dhirs the most it was fun and interesting

for the past hour i've been trying to jailbreak my ipod (it's legal right) ... and i'm failing
i accidently closed limera1n (the thing u need to jbreak ipod) while it was in recovery mode so now I am restoring my ipod which is taking forever... and i lose all my music and videos.... don't i sound alot like tony

HOLY CRAP mY iPod just turned off in the middle of restoring...thats retarded i hope i don't have to start over

ok gud it's continuing

yeah so i'm still tryna improve my brain project... cuz right now it's jez simple as an
i think im only at knowledge o.O
- 80 percent of strokes are ischemic
- stroke is higher risk in men than women
- ethinicity is a risk factor

^ thats all knowledge right ?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Tmrw I have a french test on -ER verb infinitives
aider- to help
aimer- to like, to love
arriver- to arrive
chanter- to sing
chercher- to look for
you get the idea

yay theres a movie tmrw morning for english
but apparently we're actually supposed to pay attention cuz it's part of our learning and homework

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


YAY THANKS mr olson for extending our presentation time lol
i still have a bit to complete then the notes and stuff
do i have to do the cornell notes or whatever?
i'm doing my socials hw right now which is reading a chapter on the rise of christianity then taking notes on it

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


i'm doing brain project brain project
if i get 1-4 tmrw I'm gonna kill myself
ughuhg so tiiiredddd
and i have a french test tmrw
and my math hw is due tmrw
oh look i didn't friggin do my math hw jLKJSFDLKSJFDLJS

Monday, January 10, 2011


I feel sad today idk why
MR OLSON CAN WE PLEASE HAVE AN EXTENSION FOR THE  BRIAN PROJECT i've been working for 4 hours im not nearly done AHHH PLEASE

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I did so much work today on the brain project
I'm typing my notes at like 70 wpm so my parents thought I was faking it until they came down and saw lol o.O

i still have so much to do in so little time
was i supposed to draw an art cover for english
oh crap

gtgo do that byez

Friday, January 7, 2011

whoa its already 10

Whoa I just looked at the clock and realized it's already like 9:53 pm...
that is kinda late according to my standards cuz my parents make me sleep at like 10 to 10:30 on weekends :(

i have like
a french test next wednesday
a science quiz next tuesday
math homework check next wednesday
i shud WORK now bye
play blackops*

Thursday, January 6, 2011


wow kevin you didn't blog for the past two weeks =.= and u EVEN SPELLED BLOG WRONG..."block"???

yah so right now I'm doing my science homework, which is about the kinetic molecular theory and temperature and heat and stuff. grr tmrw morning i have band... i think i'm gonna quit band and maybe join fine arts next year... cooking and guitar is way more fun to be honest :O
i heard there was a socials pop quiz on random knowledge.... is that true..? no one will answer me anyways but watever lol
today in math we finished off despicable me
oh crap gymnastics for PE tmrw
i suck at that stuff
im like 13 cm away from reaching my toes :(

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

bball game

Today from 12 till 3 pm, I went with a bunch of friends to go watch the bulldog classic basketball game against tupper. The senior girls and boys both played, and owned tupper lol.

I just finished writing my english essay that's a maximum of 200 words. i got like 195 words o.O I thought I was gonna have way less. You have to write the three things that you lived for, so i just wrote love, thrill, and glory, then explained them all.

We watched another video in science about "hotness" and heat and temperature and thermal energy crap.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

t2 b33

Today Kevin dhir, cynthia, and judy presented in english their book talks.
they were so good mine's gonna fail compared to their intricate speeches
we were gona watch the rest of despicable me in math but the teacher lost his cable somewhere
in french i almost fell asleep cuz i was so tired
in AS we went to the lab to do our projects

i feel depressed


Monday, January 3, 2011


school tomorrow
I am happy because I get to see friends again and get some fresh air and socialize and stuff
I am sad because more homework :(
ARGH noone is online to tell me if theres a french test tmrw or not
there better not be >:(

i did like one thrid of my presentation
no wait actually one fourth

i rly hope i don't get chosen to do my book talk tmrw morning o.O im barely done

Sunday, January 2, 2011


yesterday I was at my parent's old colleagues' house playing computer all day
and tweaking around with my itouch
jailbreak 4.2.1 doesn't have a stable copy yet so Imma wait till later to do it
I got this free toolbar youtube video downloader thing so now i can put 720p music vids straight onto itouch just by dragging it into itunes :D

looking forward to school
so mr olson, there's gonna be like 3 applied skills periods before the drawing of names?
do the presentations start on the day of the drawing names?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

T2b 31

At my friends house right now trying to download some iPod apps and songs etc
Tmrw I'm gonna do my English homework and brain project
Arg gtg