Tuesday, January 18, 2011


today we watched another portion of the movie TROY starring brad pitt
I think I failed my book talk cuz i didn't know the theme of the book so ms Greskiw just kept talking and talking about how I'm so stupid and I can figure it out easily
I'm doing socials hw right now...breakdown of unity o.O

ARSGSHS band tmrw morning
idk why
i just hate band
Mr Olson don't u dar forward this to mr hurst or he's gonna beat me up -.-
band's so stressful and you have to pay 100 % attention and play the right notes and sharps and flats and articulation and volume GAWD it's so hard
i'm the worst of the trumpets
probably because i never bring my trumpet home to practice because i have to walk 30 minutes to and from school everyday :(

oh this is the second day that I haven't played my ipod touch cuz my mom took it away on a mon-fri business trip -.-
she says it's already down to 10 % battery

i'm doing bad in gymnastics
i got like 78/90 for the JUMPS AND LEAPS test
thats like 86.66666666 percent

gtg do homework bye doodz

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