Monday, February 14, 2011


i popped my scab-pimple thingy
and it bled
so i washed away the blood
with tap water

My mom came back from China today
she went cuz my great grandma passed away

She brought home a Canon 350 D from my uncle
pretty cool camera
much better than the point-and-shoots that ive used my entire life

but its only 8 mp and 1600 ISO
then i read a review online and it said : date posted: may 11, 2005

then i'm like -.- thats why lol

so I guess I can use it next year for photography? if i get a spot in it that is...
mr olson what are the specs of ur cameras?
cuz if I'm taking photos at school maybe i wouldn't wanna bring mine its heavy and bulgy and sutff

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