Saturday, February 19, 2011


so I think it's my 5th time skiing
I went with scouts today, so a lot of friends from churchill. I went on mostly the bunny hill ( which is actually pretty intense for me) and one blue run, which scared the crap out of me. i fell in the middle of the blue run, because i was snowplowing (braking) at maximum power, and i KEPT ACCELERATING. so i panicked and fell down on purpose lol. so i looked at the trees on the side, i guess it was at a 40- 55 degrees angle, not even joking, it was so hard. so we took a few videos (me, nick leung, patrick, marcus) and gonna make a short video thingie.
anyways i love the feeling of zooming down the hill at high speeds with the cool wind blowing against your face :D :D it feels wonderful
i have a small pimple on right side of forehead right now
so like during skiing i always stick with snowplowing turns but then today i kinda learned how to do paralell turns which is when ur skiis are parellel instead of a huge wedge.

imma try to upload a photo

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