Wednesday, April 20, 2011

arr i want to sleep later

grr my parents are like reminding me to sleep soon at 9pm then they start urgently urging me to sleep at 9:30 and i have to friggin sleep by 10 pm

i want to be like other kids and sleep at 11 :(

im getting 89 % in science that's pretty good for me
why does my back-neck area have so many pimples it's so disgustin theres like brown spots all over the place
like i dont have to much on my face but my neck back area is like infested man

i am using this sulphur soap thing every shower now... giving it a good rubeveryday

why is my right earphone give more treble and bass than the left one... the left one sounds like a tiny cellphone speaker lol
oh i think i know why
there's a China Airlines logo on it TRololol

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