Thursday, April 14, 2011


omg today during PE the teacher Ms Ling made us go out to the track in the HAIL and WIND i swore it was the COLDEST time in my life, plus we were in SHORTS and a T-SHIRT , at the end, when we were getting ready to go back inside, i was like swearing and yelling and shaking uncontrollably at how cold it was , same with other ppl  loooool and ms ling was wearing a thick sweater and going like

omg that pissed me off so much u don't understand hao cold it was
it was coldest time in my life man

i ran 400 m (1 lap) in 1:20.... roy got 1:04 man thats crazy
tommo i go to fionas partay to watch movie at some theatre on no.6 road .... INSIDIOUS

dude i promise it's gonna be so scary this is my FIRST time watching a legit horror movie , cuz before the most i've watched is like some alien thriller "signs" and that even freaked me out at night so after this movie, I SWEAR imma be so scared and pissed at night... oh god
peer pressure is a strong thing <3

lol stephen harper speaking french in front of me on tv.... LOlz
at least its rated pg 13

Mr olson are we watching The shining next year ?
i think those movies are slightly better on me since it's just a crazy guy... there is no crazy pale white woman with her mouth wide open and grudge-ey stuff....uggh shudder

oh my god i was gonna post an image here but when i googled it it scared me like hell lol so nvm

wish me luck tommo IT WILL STRENGTHEN MY GIRLINESS >:)

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