Sunday, April 3, 2011


just came back from camping camping was very tiring and cold and everything was covered in snow.... my feet got very very wet and now i'm home and took a shower and my dad's biching at me to do homework and clean up my room.... like wtf i'm so fking tired and everyone that came home is probably playing games or chatting online but i have to friggin  do this and that and give him my ipod tmr cuz now im not allowed to fking bring it

i have to walk 2.4 km everyday there and back from school... that's 6 laps around the churchill track... which takes me 30 minutes to walk
and now i have to walk that without any music, just plain old crap silence and the sound of my shoes scraping the ground.... fffffffff
but the thing is i can't complain cuz they don't even know i listen to music while walking.... FUK imma just like ignore them so they know how

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