Monday, December 27, 2010

B26 SF

I'm typin this on my iTouch again at a starbucks in San Francisco. Wifi at our hotel costs like 14.95 per day or something so yea. Today I went to Alcatraz. We took a ship there which took ten minutes. Then there was an audio tour thing in the cells of Alcatraz which talked about  The cells themselves,inmates who tried to escape, breakouts , rebellions, etc. It was really fun and my camera ran out of batteries so I took like 120 pictures with my touch ;D I think the itouch 4 is pretty good, but I think he camera could be improved; it's only around 0.7 megapixels I like the 720p vid recording though. At Alcatraz we also saw the cells in which three inmates escaped by digging holes in their jail cell wall with silver spoons, then climbed out, but they were never found; some say they definitely drowned , but others claimed they could be living in America right now. I Think the tour was very interesting and fun. Tomorrow we're going to the exploratorium, Lincoln something something, and museum of something sciences. Four more nights in this hotel and I'm going back to vancouver home sweet home lol. Then I can go download music onto my iPod and music videos and games and get a friend to help me jail break it sometime. Does it cost money to make an iTunes account? Cuzi was trying to download a free app through safari and it said log in with ur Itunesaccount then I searched that up and it said something about payment D: K this is a really long blog... Well for me at least... or at least it appears so on my iPod touch. I'm gonna try to attach a photo from today on here. BYE

1 comment:

  1. iTunes accounts are free. It's the MobileMe that aren't. T least they used to need payments. But iTunes account are free.
