Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blog 28 san Fran

I'm pre-writing this in notes on itouch in a Chinese restaurant right now in San Fran, waiting for the food. 
Today we went to the California academy of sciences. There were a lot of cool things like fish and sharks and jellyfish and turtles and crocodiles etc.
There were also a lot of display boxes containing chameleons and poison dart frogs and stuff.  I took 200 something photos there. 
We also lined up 20 minutes for this rainforest thing where there were a lot of butterflies flying around and cool big blue birds and stuff. 

Now this part is after dinner lol I'm still kinda hungry but we're eating more stuff later. I can join this restaurant's free wifi but safari still won't load >:( oh desserts here gtg byes

1 comment:

  1. I know, there's something up with the Wi-FI when it's a password-free just won't load as fast. I wonder why...
