Wednesday, December 22, 2010


yay I finally finished reading the Hunger Games book, which is like 374 pages i think. It's about this place where the Capitol chooses 2 people from every district to go engage in a fight to the death, and the main character's sister gets chosen, but she volunteers to take her place and fight. Then the rest of the book is about her in the arena fighting to the death and struggling to survive with barely any water and food, etc.

chris trolled me today by forwarding me an email which looked like u, mr olson, said that the notes were due last tuesday, but i figured he changed the words in it lollol

i stay home tmrw all day and blackops :D
and instant noddles for lunch tmrw :D

grr what if i don't get my itouch in time
how will i write blogz in san fransisco

1 comment:

  1. GL with the iPod touch.

    The notes were due last week you know...
