Wednesday, September 29, 2010

T1 B19

My socials teacher got pissed at me for wearing PE strip in class.
For PE we played handball, which is WAY more fun than field hockey.
Our team was really sucky and I only scored once... but it was still AWESOME.
Then during our last period, science, I didn't really do anything except talk to people, while my dear comrades conducted the experiment regarding birds and rice and water.
I left my keys at school...


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog 18

We watched most of The Fantasticks in class today, which was kinda boring. I only pretended to laugh to blend in o.o
Then we got this cool new guy as out math teacher MISTER BEETLESTONE. He talked about going to australia and getting peed on by an elephant and meeting a wonderful girl there and marrying her then getting her pregnant XD
I still need to finish my science homework...
crap my moms coming bye

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pro D today

Its a professional day today, which means no school. I was supposed to go with some classmates to this other guy's house, but since one person couldnt make it becuase she had to take care of her brother, the other girl couldn't go because her mom thought there were too many boys...
Don't u just hate it when you have something planned out and one person doesn't go and the whole thing fails?

Anyways, I woke up at 7 today, and now it's already 1 o.O
That felt more like 1 hour than 4 hours...
Later today I have swimming lessons at the JCC :(
I'm really pissed because my parents bought the computer I'm typing on for WORK purposes only, and guess what, it's got a QUAD CORE, 8 GIGS of RAM, and 1 TB of hard drive.

You're supposed to do heavy processes and gaming with these type of computers... sigh

Oh look it's time for lunch

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday B 16

Yeah I forgot to write a blog yesterday, so I'll make this one extra long, is that okay, teacher? ^.^

So I keep on having the urge to search the names of horror movies on google images, then I can't sleep that night     cause I'm so scared that some girl's hand is gonna creep out from under my bed and grab me and bring me to a torture chamber then burn me and...

And tomorrow, which is a Pro-D, I might go to a classmates house, to watch THE SHINING.
At least that one doesn't have scary ghost stuff in it, just a bunch of retarded people killing each other.
nevertheless, I'll still be reluctant to go pee Monday midnight.

I was supposed to be writing my Math and Science and Socials homework, but all I've done is go on facebook and play an online game called POWDER GAME. no seriously, that is the most addictive game ever, it's kinda like where u can experiment different explosions with nitro and c4 and gunpowder and gas and water and ice and metal and glass and all that stuff. If you've played SAND GAME before, lemme tell you, powder game is the same thing except THREE TIME MORE REALISTIC and THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF CHEMICALS and THREE TIMES MORE CUSTOMIZABLE. just go on google and serch powder game, and play.

I can never be fast enough to post before someone else posts on our socials forum trivia; I only answered around 4 questions right...

time2drinksomemilk, BYE!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I don't have anything to write this Friday, except that I really hate fridays, which lead up to the boring useless weekends... In which I have tons of lessons to attend.
The student trivia forum for Socials is almost like: whoever's parents lets their kids use the computer most wins. It's just that simple.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm so tired

Todays been a tiring day, since I had a fitness test in PE, in which I scored:
32 pushups
30 crunches
37 cm vertical jump
and 11.7 second shuttle run :(

Then after all this, I had band, which consisted of me trying to blow into my brass trumpet, desperately trying to make some sound.

After school ended early today, I went home, ate dinner, did homework, then went BACK to school with my dad to the walkabout thing at 6pm. After the walkabout, there was a band presentation about a trip to new york at 8pm, which lasted for about 45 min.

Now I'm still trying to colour France and I accidently used blue, which was supposed to be the colour of the ocean...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

blog 13

Today I carpooled with a friend to school, which started at 10:17 am today.
Our applied skills teacher told us to draw a few geometric shapes on this type of grid paper today, and told us to      
incorporate those shapes in a drawing of a robot. My robot runs on solar energy and compost, has a grill on its head, and can fetch you a glass of milk upon demand.
Then our english teacher brought us to the school library and introduced us to a lady who talked about the independent reading program, in which you can read a book, write a test on that book, then earn points if you perfect the test.
Math was super easy as always,
and in an hour or so I'll be in a restaurant listening to those loud chinese parents talking and eating, to celebrate moon festival or something like that...

See ya'll later

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

t1 b12

I'm really procrastinating right now, since I haven't done my french or english or socials homework yet, and my moms already yellin at me to go take a shower. I ran around langara today for PE, which is 2.7 km, and took 17 min and 48 seconds, which is really slow.
And I also have to reserch a robot for tomorrow


Monday, September 20, 2010

Ordinary Monday

Nothing really special happened this ordinary Monday. After school I went to the Me to We meeting thing, then laughed my butt off with a friend at the girls' volleyball tryouts. Then I went swimming, in which I had to do 20x25m of breaststroke.
And tomorrow I have band :(

Sunday, September 19, 2010



Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog nine

Today during Band, the teacher used me as a translator for a mandarin-speaking bassoon player. The complicated thing was that in China, the notes are different (do re mi blah blah blah) as opposed to our A to G notes. He finally got the hang of it though, and it was pretty cool to see a big long bassoon for the first time.

After school, I went to the balcony to watch the girls volleyball tryouts. A classmate that was also there shared with me the plots and summaries of horror movies, which scared the crap out of me. She talked about The Exorcist, The Grudge, The Shining, The Ring, etc.
Now I have the urge to go on google images and search those titles, but what comes up is usually frightening and ends up scaring me at night =.=

I've also realized that I procrastinate a lot; everyone else is done their house drawing and english homework, while I've barely started :/

Guess it's time for me to do my homework.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today in English, our table was laughing our heads off the entire time.
I was experimenting different types of laughs, which made Kevin D laugh, which made the rest of the table laugh. :D
Then during math Kevin said something to the teacher and the teacher said something back, which also made everyone laugh hard.
Time to stop laughing or I'll get crow's feet at 16 :O


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog # 7

Today was a tiring day for me, starting with socials and ending with science
PE and band, which are in between, are the tiring things =.=
Now the science teacher tells us we gotta do a science project! And shes giving us the short time frame of only 3 months! Ok I'm kidding thats a hell lot of time to do a science board.
Our applied skills teacher, Mr. Olson, gave us a project in which we have to draw the view of our own house from the top of a magical tree twice as tall as our house.
I better finish my english homework now.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

T1- B6

So after my last subject today, math, I went to the juniors' badminton tryouts.
The coach guy first told us to clear the birdie over and over again with a partner. Then he organized a King of the court thing, and I lost all of my games :( cuz there were grade 8s AND 9s AND 10s
Then after the whole thing was done I was soaked with sweat.
After gathering around in a circle, he told us that this badminton season is CANCELLED.
Well I guess that doesn't matter, I'll just join somethin else

Oh and this morning the band teacher got pissed at me again for not wearing my white top.
Rest of the day went pretty well ;)

cya later

Monday, September 13, 2010


Our socials teacher, Mr. Sale, played a too-easy trick on us today.
He gave us a small quiz, the first question being "read everything on this paper" and the second question being     "Write your name on the top right corner of this paper". Then came a bunch of instructions like "yell out your name loudly" and "yell 5,4,3,2,1".
Who would have ever known, that the last question said " Now that you have read everything, go back and do only questions one and two."
Man, I felt like puking watching those other people yell their names and draw stuff on their paper...

So today I went to my  level 10 swimming lessons after school.
I looked at the report card from last year.
I'm supposed to be able to do like 8 lengths of front crawl and 2 lengths of breaststroke.
But I've got it the OTHER way around.
I'm a natural at breaststroke, but fail hard at front crawl.

Oh and the PE strip is pretty hot lookin

BYE for nao guys

Sunday, September 12, 2010

blog #4- Sunday

Today, my parents' friends came over, yelling loud chinese upstairs while I desperately tried to finish my english homework downstairs. Our plan to BBQ the kebabs were scrapped when it started raining, so we just used the oven.
I'm not gonna write any more right now, since I still have to finish the other half of my english and come up with a nickname for socials. And tomorrow I have to carry a trumpet AND badminton racquet all the way to school =.=, which is a 35 minute walk.

Bye for now

Saturday, September 11, 2010

T1-B3 Saturday :(

Today was a boring and tiring Saturday. I woke up at around 9, had noodles for breakfast, did some of my english homework, and then went on the computer to write the blog entry I was supposed to write yesterday night ^_^
At 1 o'clock, I got ready to go to boy scouts with a shaggy brown uniform that was too small, some huge black pants that I'm supposed to "grow into", and a beret that screwed with all types of hair. I have a few friends in scouts that also go to my school; Nicholas, Adam, and Patrick. We talked about my first few days of high school, meeting some new interesting people (wink!), and other stuff that I can't remember...

After I got home from scouts, I went straight to church to read and discuss the bible with a bunch of other people I didn't know o.O

And now, Its 11:17 pm, I'm tired as heck, and some of my parents' friends are gonna come over tomorrow and laugh loudly and yell in Chinese, while I'm downstairs on the computer.

Can't wait till Monday... :)


T1- B2

Today was a repeat of Wednesday; starting the day off with french and ending it with math. Instead of walking to school for 30 minutes, my dad kindly offered to drive me to school.
The first classroom I went to was my homeroom. After around 10 minutes of handing forms in, everyone sat in their chairs for 20 minutes doing absolutely nothing, which definitely bored the heck outta me!
French came next in the same classroom. The teacher often babbles french sentences that sound like absolute gibberish to my ears.
Next came applied skills with Mr. Olson. Applied skills is my favourite subject for sure, and I'm sure you all know why ^.^ Mr. Olson is, without doubt, the best teacher ever!
Our english teacher, Mrs. Greskiw, was the only one to give us a bit of actual homework: shrinking glossary terms down to 7 words or less.
Math is definitely the easiest subject ever. I've finished Mathpower 8 AND 9, and now I gotta start Mathpower 8 aallll over again...

Memorizing my routes to class is still a small problem for me.

Honestly, I really like school compared to weekends. School is socializing with your classmates and teachers and laughing, but weekends are completely filled with lessons and courses.

Now I hear mom's voice yelling at me to get off the computer,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First synergy blog...

Hi guys,

Today was my second full day in high school, and so far I've had to ask about 6 times where my next class was. Every time the next period comes, the halls of our three-story school would literally become a traffic jam.

I started off with Socials this morning, followed by PE, band, and finally science. During PE, we ran around the small grass field 2 times, leaving me panting as I slowly wandered up to my locker to get my lunch. After a not-so-sufficient lunch, I went to band. I've heard people say how fierce the band teacher was, but it turns out he ain't so bad after all.

I'm okay with high school so far; the only small thing I'm afraid of is the chance that I might get bullied by them big kids. With me standing at a whopping 5 feet 0, any grade 12 would tower over me like a a.... okay I'm not sure what to put here.

I'm still looking forward to some real homework to do.

Time to go now