Saturday, September 11, 2010

T1-B3 Saturday :(

Today was a boring and tiring Saturday. I woke up at around 9, had noodles for breakfast, did some of my english homework, and then went on the computer to write the blog entry I was supposed to write yesterday night ^_^
At 1 o'clock, I got ready to go to boy scouts with a shaggy brown uniform that was too small, some huge black pants that I'm supposed to "grow into", and a beret that screwed with all types of hair. I have a few friends in scouts that also go to my school; Nicholas, Adam, and Patrick. We talked about my first few days of high school, meeting some new interesting people (wink!), and other stuff that I can't remember...

After I got home from scouts, I went straight to church to read and discuss the bible with a bunch of other people I didn't know o.O

And now, Its 11:17 pm, I'm tired as heck, and some of my parents' friends are gonna come over tomorrow and laugh loudly and yell in Chinese, while I'm downstairs on the computer.

Can't wait till Monday... :)


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