Saturday, September 11, 2010

T1- B2

Today was a repeat of Wednesday; starting the day off with french and ending it with math. Instead of walking to school for 30 minutes, my dad kindly offered to drive me to school.
The first classroom I went to was my homeroom. After around 10 minutes of handing forms in, everyone sat in their chairs for 20 minutes doing absolutely nothing, which definitely bored the heck outta me!
French came next in the same classroom. The teacher often babbles french sentences that sound like absolute gibberish to my ears.
Next came applied skills with Mr. Olson. Applied skills is my favourite subject for sure, and I'm sure you all know why ^.^ Mr. Olson is, without doubt, the best teacher ever!
Our english teacher, Mrs. Greskiw, was the only one to give us a bit of actual homework: shrinking glossary terms down to 7 words or less.
Math is definitely the easiest subject ever. I've finished Mathpower 8 AND 9, and now I gotta start Mathpower 8 aallll over again...

Memorizing my routes to class is still a small problem for me.

Honestly, I really like school compared to weekends. School is socializing with your classmates and teachers and laughing, but weekends are completely filled with lessons and courses.

Now I hear mom's voice yelling at me to get off the computer,

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