Thursday, September 9, 2010

First synergy blog...

Hi guys,

Today was my second full day in high school, and so far I've had to ask about 6 times where my next class was. Every time the next period comes, the halls of our three-story school would literally become a traffic jam.

I started off with Socials this morning, followed by PE, band, and finally science. During PE, we ran around the small grass field 2 times, leaving me panting as I slowly wandered up to my locker to get my lunch. After a not-so-sufficient lunch, I went to band. I've heard people say how fierce the band teacher was, but it turns out he ain't so bad after all.

I'm okay with high school so far; the only small thing I'm afraid of is the chance that I might get bullied by them big kids. With me standing at a whopping 5 feet 0, any grade 12 would tower over me like a a.... okay I'm not sure what to put here.

I'm still looking forward to some real homework to do.

Time to go now

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