Monday, September 13, 2010


Our socials teacher, Mr. Sale, played a too-easy trick on us today.
He gave us a small quiz, the first question being "read everything on this paper" and the second question being     "Write your name on the top right corner of this paper". Then came a bunch of instructions like "yell out your name loudly" and "yell 5,4,3,2,1".
Who would have ever known, that the last question said " Now that you have read everything, go back and do only questions one and two."
Man, I felt like puking watching those other people yell their names and draw stuff on their paper...

So today I went to my  level 10 swimming lessons after school.
I looked at the report card from last year.
I'm supposed to be able to do like 8 lengths of front crawl and 2 lengths of breaststroke.
But I've got it the OTHER way around.
I'm a natural at breaststroke, but fail hard at front crawl.

Oh and the PE strip is pretty hot lookin

BYE for nao guys

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