Monday, September 27, 2010

Pro D today

Its a professional day today, which means no school. I was supposed to go with some classmates to this other guy's house, but since one person couldnt make it becuase she had to take care of her brother, the other girl couldn't go because her mom thought there were too many boys...
Don't u just hate it when you have something planned out and one person doesn't go and the whole thing fails?

Anyways, I woke up at 7 today, and now it's already 1 o.O
That felt more like 1 hour than 4 hours...
Later today I have swimming lessons at the JCC :(
I'm really pissed because my parents bought the computer I'm typing on for WORK purposes only, and guess what, it's got a QUAD CORE, 8 GIGS of RAM, and 1 TB of hard drive.

You're supposed to do heavy processes and gaming with these type of computers... sigh

Oh look it's time for lunch

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