Sunday, March 13, 2011


fk my dad is like in a really bad mood today
cuz I woke up and I was coughing and all that crap with sore throat
and they both got MAD at me instead of comfort me, saying i should eat more VEGETABLES and stop eating MEAT , so i just said "uh." which kinda means "ok" in chinese

and I was knitting my last 3 threads on one stick, so my dad came in and said ANDY WEAR MORE CLOTHES, YOU"RE WEARING THE SAME AS WHAT U WENT TO BED WITH
and i'm like in a normal voice: "yeah yeah wait lemme do this last 2 threads" and he's like HURRY UPP!! I'm like "WAIT IM ALMOST DONE =.=" so then he got pissed at me for having a "bad attitude" while clearly he was the one who fking shouted and i was quiet and shy

and then later they got mad at me for not coming upstairs to drink water and rest from the computer once e very 30 minutes, cuz I stayed like 38 minutes, and they yelled the crap out of me

so today I didn't relly do anything wrong, I'm just sick with a sore throat and muscus phlegm crap in my throat, and they're just yelling at me for no good significant reason :( :(

oh look they're like yelling rite now saying EAT DINNER JEESH STOP PLAYING COMPUTER

oh and this all happened in Chinese ^

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