Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fun day

YAY fun day today, I just came back from the seattle museum of flight, with scout group , which was SO FUN!!!
I got to sit in the cockpit of a Cirrus sr20
and play with the controls for fun

i think it was designed to be the same plane
I landed it properly on my first try
however i came in really fast at like 150 knots , while it's supposed to be like 90 knots, and we had no control of the flaps, which help slow the plane down, so i had to cut off the engine completely and glide over like 3/4 of the runway before executing a beautiful landing with a perfect flare , touching the main gear onto the pavement gently and gently braking to a stop :)

pretty cool stuff
except the fact that they set the realism settings to none, which meant u can't crash, you'll just bounce and like crap; but i still didn't bounce lol
i saw this huge blackbird and we went udnerneath and and took vids and pics of it
so big and black lol

oh and the bus ride was like 2.5 hours, so it was soo boring, and my right earbud broke lol =.= i read online that skullcandy earphones are fragile crap, and some people commented : "MINE BROKE IN LIKE 5 DAYS" , turns out it's true, the bud just started making partially working noises and buzzing then stopped :(

but then u can ship it for a LIFETIME WARRANTY replacement, but that costs money to ship and effort crap i think

so i listened to music with one ear all the way back to vancouver

oh on the way there Adam and I both fell asleep with our heads to the seats so like we're leaning foreward and our heads are just like ramming the seats in front of us, so i woke up with like SOOO MUCH DANDRUFF it was disgusting, i ruffled my hair and out came white white white powder powder particles

aw some ppl on facebook went to some girl's house and i cant go cuz i went to that ^ lol
oh mr olson what's a "super blog"? what do i need to include to make it a super

man the cockpit of the cirrus sr20 was so comfortable i really really really wanted to just push the throttle forward and take off into the skies :D :D
maybe i should be a pilot when i grow up
but my eyesight sucks lol

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