Tuesday, March 15, 2011

waz i cute

here is a pic of me from grade 1 or 2
this is completely random idk why
I have burning lips right now
u know how if u go skiing u start off with dry, chapped, rock-hard lips? well I don't care about those but if you continue to not drink water, and lick your lips a lot it turns so RED and HOT and it's waaay worse than the dry chapped lips :(
 like right now in my red hot state if i don't lick it for 15 sec it turns rly hot and I can feel my pulse through my lips T__T and it's so annoying
and i can't friggin open my mouth or it stings
i would pay 20$ for this to stop, i'm serious
 it makes my lips look like lipstick and it hurts

yah so my mom had lunch or something with Alex L.'s mom today and they talked about how I'm always on the computer for such a long time and i say I'm doing homework =.=
truth is , I'm not actually doing homoework all the time
as everyone knows from their everyday life =.=
and my mom started yelling me about facebook =.= and saying that's it's useless and ur contact will get stolen and u will get murdered by bad ppl

oh yah my knitting , which was around like 10-12 needles of thread already, i ripped it apart cuz i got so pissed that i kept missing the threads so now Imma start all over tmr morning

my nose is still blocked
i want to do the salt water nose technique but i dun't have any droppers around my house... and I certainly wouldn't be allowed to use them for nasal purposes lolz

oh yah English test tmr... crap

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