Thursday, March 17, 2011


i feel sad right now

FK my enter key wasn't working

i have no ipod to play right now
no facebook
oh yeah report cards today
i already knew all my marks lol
i got 3 A's 4B's and 1C+ IN PE :(
imma do better next term for sure
aiming for 5 A's

and my mom's like "Don't even THINK about getting a CELLPHONE until u bring me back STRAIGHT A'S!!"

yeah like i totally can do that easily
i would have to push myself to the limits of my mental capabilities (and physical for PE) to reach that degree of perfection and that wouldn't happen cuz i would already have suicided by then =.=

i wish i was in a caucasian family


oh take a look at this poem i did for English, it's supposed to be a "boasting poem" so like you try to show off your superior qualities .

I am an elephant,
Bigger and heavier than all.
My feet are so humongous,
I could trample a mall.

I thump the ground when I walk,
Everyone knows the sound.
It gives all animals a huge shock,
My power is profound.

My skin is tough and hard as rock,
Hail and lightning tickle me.
My trunk can kill a thousands dogs,
My tusks jab you, and dead you will be :D

pretty cool huh

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