Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh i just came back from a church thing and the guy driving me home bought me a bubble tea, which tastes bad... it's like apple flavoured lol

sigh I'm just idling this blog slooooooooooowwwwlllyyyy to charge my iPod so i can use it in bed :D
..... making keyboard noises blah oh crap mom is talking blah blah lol typing sounds fake typing lolz just making mashing noises so looks like i am writing blog so yeah monkey cat dcog chicken lol keyboard mouse gighertz of course pen lol table but then it turned big tape random stuff oh yeah just in case u didn't know these are just random words i typed to make it sound like i'm doing homework lol blah i think i am a cat so big i say meow post it notes computer computer black merup merup MERUP meryl

oh once I entered "merup" on my ipod touch and it auto-corrected it into "meryl" so Jason and I laughed our arrsses off lolz

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