Tuesday, March 1, 2011

t3 b1 :D

Did something cool happen today... no wait I'm not lying i actually forgotr lol uhhhhh
This morning my alarm clock rang at 7am and I went to the washroom, peed, then on my way back I plopped back on my bed and fell asleep :/
guess when I woke up?
9:05 am.

I looked at the clock when i woke up... im like "oh... 9:05...oh crap what day is it
im serious the first two words of my day was "oh FU*K" lol
my parents both leave for work at like 6:30 am so they can't wake meh up
so i rly quickly dressed at made my lunch
I decided to just screw first period cuz if I come in between it'll be awkward and it's PE so yeah
plus I have to walk 30 minutes so yah

anywaaaays there's not much homework today
my eyes are rly bad now crap
one eye is .50 the other is 1.25

what a great way to start off Term 3... sleeping in first block lol
mr olson I thought we were gonna start knitting

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